September 29th Blog Entry By Greg Sra

In today's class we learned about matter, physical and chemical changes and did a laboratory assignment on Physical and Chemical changes. We were also assigned a Laboratory Report.

Matter: Is anything made of atoms or particles. (Basically everything around you)

Physical Change: A physical change doesn't have any change in the chemical composition. A physical change occurs when the physical properties are changed. An indication that a physical change has occurred  is if there is a change in: texture, shape, density, volume, mass, and weight.  An example of this is a hockey stick. It is still composed of wood and has the same wood properties. The only thing changed is the physical appearance which is a physical property.

A  piece of wood turning into a hockey stick is an example of a Physical Change
Chemical Change: A chemical change occurs when the product undergoes a chemical reaction thus changing the chemical composition. An indication that this is happening is if the product starts: changing colours or bubbling.  Examples of this include: vegetables spoiling, fermentation, a metal rusting, and photosynthesis. A link to a video about Chemical and Physical Changes


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