October 14th Blog By Greg Sra

       Last class we learned about Acids. Acids are formed when a compound composed of Hydrogen Ions and a negatively charged ion are dissolved in water. The ions separate once dissolved in water.

Naming Acids
1) Use "Hydro" at the beginning.
2) The Last syllable of the non-metal is dropped and replaced with "-ic"
3) Add Acid to the end to finish off.
Naming Complex Acids

If the compound ends with "-ate"  you replace that with "-ic"
If the compound ends with "-ite" you replace that with "-ous"
Then you write acid at the end to finish off.

If the acid has the root Sulfur or Phosphorus the ending is "-ic" 
H2SO4(aq) Is Sulfuric Acid. 
H3PO4(aq) Is Phosphoric Acid. 

Some Examples
  • HCH3COO Is             Acetic Acid (Vinegar)
  • HF  Is                         Hydrofluoric Acid.
  • HBr Is                        Hydrobromic Acid.
  • HNOIs                     Nitrous Acid.


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