January 6 - Molarily

Basically, the main concept of this lesson is that  "Molarily (M) = Moles/Litres";

The lesson is pretty straight forward so I'll just put some examples here.

1) let's say you have  2.5g of NaCl and a 10L solution, what is the molarity?

2.5g of NaCl = 0.0427 moles ; 0.0427moles/10L = 0.0043 moles/L

2) Another example would be, if u had a solution of KCl with a molarity of 6.1 and 4.5 Liters how many grams r there?

6.1 = mol/4.5                        27.45 mol x 74.6g/mol = 2047.77g ; 2.0E3 grams of KCl
mol = 27.45

Here's an explanation on how to deal with Molarily:


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