Nick Kim- Organic Chemistry

Hydro Carbon- Molecule that only consist with hydrogen(H) and Carbon(C).
Since, Carbon has 4 valence electrons, it can bond to four sides.

Ex, Methane. Like you see Carbon goes middle because it is futher away from the full shell than hydrogen and Hydorgen bonds on four side.

This is called Alkane, it is satured hydrocarbon(single bond)

There are three ways to show Alkane 

what you see in example is full structure.
other one is called condensed structure. It looks like this.

ex, methane


and last one is called molecular formula



 Number of carbon determine the name of alkane and also number of hydrogen.
Name you just need to memorize, but number of hydrogen is easy. You just need to multiple number of carbon and add 2. Ex) Methane CH4, 1x2=2 2+2=4 4 hydrogen

Note: not always hydrogen bonds to carbon, it can bon with other carbon

Alkyl group is an alkane which has one missing hydrogen,and it attaches to alkane group(branched hrdro carbon)
Ex,  CH3-Methyl=CH3 attached to propane.

When you named it is, 2-methly-Propane. the number only indicate which carbon it attached to, you can read from left to right or right to left.

Here are example


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