March 5th - Nick kim

 Today we have learned how to do Stoichiometry calculation involving particles-moles-mass
we have acutually covered how to do conversion between particles-moles-mass, thus we just need to know how are we gonna use stoichiometry to find answers.
 [Ex] Cu+2AgNO3----Cu(NO3)2+2Ag

How many grams of AgNO3 are required to completely react with 2.1 moles of Cu

First we should find moles of AgNO3 in order to find its weight. Thus, we use what we learned last class Stoichiometry( using ratio to find the number of moles)

2.1moles of Cu x 2moles of AgNO3/1mole of Cu-------- If you look above then you see ratio between Cu and AgNO3 is 1:2 right so you put that into fraction and make unwanted element cancel each other.

Therefore we end of having 4.2 moles of AgNO3-------- and now we need to convert this into grams, u find the mass of AgNO3 from periodic table which is 107.9g+14g+16(3)g=169.9g
Then we do mole conversion.

4.2 moles of AgNO3 x 169.9g of AgNO3/ 1 mole of AgNO3------ moles cancel each other and left with multipication.

=713.58(careful about the sigfig)

Here is the diagram that will help.

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