March 7- Stoichiometry Calculation

Today we did stoichiometry calculations involving Molarity and STP.

Molarity is easily defined by this one equation. Molarity=  Moles

STP is 22.4 litres/mole


1. How many moles of nitrogen gas is needed to react with 44.8 liters of hydrogen gas to produce ammonia gas?

3H2   +   N2    2NH3
GIVEN: 44.8 L of H2 at STP.
FIND: mols of N2.
Here the sequence is: GIVEN liters of H2 at STP, CHANGE liters of H2 at STP to mols of H2, MOL RATIO to change from H2 to N2. There is no need to go any further to change the N2 into mols, because the mol ratio leaves the material in that unit anyway.

How many liters of ammonia are produced when 89.6 liters of hydrogen are used in the above reaction?
The "above reaction" from problem #1 is: N2   +   3H2    2NH3

GIVEN: 89.6 L of H2 at STP.
FIND: Volume of ammonia (in liters at STP)
Take the GIVEN quantity, use the Molar Volume of Gas at STP (MVG) to change it to mols, change the material with the mol ratio (MR), and change the mols of new material to the requested liters at STP using the MVG again.


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