The theories of Aristotle, which lasted two thousand years, were that matter was made of atomos, the smallest pieces of matter. Everything was made of a combo of earth, air, fire, and water.
In the late 1700s, Lavoisier introduced the first version of the Law of Conservation of Mass and the Law of Definite Proportions
In 1799, Proust stated that if a compound was broken down into its constituents, the products would exist in the same ratio as in the compound
Dalton (1800s) discovered that atoms were solid, indestructable spheres. His 5 main points of the Atomic Theory were:
Dalton (1800s) discovered that atoms were solid, indestructable spheres. His 5 main points of the Atomic Theory were:
-Elements are of tiny particles called atoms
-Atoms of a given element are identical
-Atoms of different elements are different by weights
-Atoms from different elements combine to form chemical compounds
-Atoms from different elements combine to form chemical compounds
-Atoms cant be destroyed, created, or divided.
JJ Thomson
- Thomson introduced the Raisin Bun diagram. ( solid positive spheres with negative particles embedded in them)

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