April 4th - Percent Yield

Percent Yield

  • The percentage yield is the ratio between the actual yield and the theoretical yield multiplied by 100%.  It indicates the percent of theoretical yield that was obtained from the final product in an experiment. 

  • The percentage yield can be calculated using the mass of the actual product obtained and the theoretical mass of the product calculated using the balanced equation of the reaction.

Percentage Yield =     Mass of Actual Yield       x   100%

                  Mass of Theoretical Yield

Theoretical Yield
  • this is how much product will be synthesized in ideal conditions.
  • To determine theoretical yield, multiply the amount of moles of the limiting reagent by the ratio of the limiting reagent and the synthesized product and by the molecular weight of the product.
 Actual Yield
  • this is how much product was actually synthesized in the experiment.
  • Example:  0.135 g acetylsalicylic acid 

Practice Problem
In the following reaction, 0.157g of p-acetaminophenol was used to react with 0.486 g of acetic anhydride to produce acetaminophen and acetic acid.  The product was purified and acetimophen was extracted.  The actual mass of acetaminophen produced was 0.198 g.  Determine the theoretical yield and the percent yield of isopentyl acetate.

p-Aminophenol     +     Acetic anhydride     à     Acetaminophen      +    Acetic acid

    C6H7NO                                 C4H6O3                    C8H9NO2                  CH3COOH

molar mass of p-aminophenol =109.1g/mol
molar mass of acetic anhydride = 102.1 g/mol
moles of p-aminophenol = mass/molar mass
                                  = 0.157g/(109.1g/mol)
                                  = 0.00144 mol
moles of acetic anhydride = mass/molar mass
                                         = 0.486g/(102.1g/mol)
                                         = 0.00476 mol
Theoretical Yield = moles of acetamiophen x molar mass of acetaminophen
                         = 0.00144 mol x 151.2g/mol
                         = 0.217 g

Percent Yield =         Actual Yield        x 100%
                            Theoretical Yield
                    =            0.198g      x 100 %
                    =  91.2 %


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